Tunnels: Are they all they're cut out to be?
Tunnels can be loosely defined as an artificial underground passage. These are usually made so we can pass through them, and can be seen in many parts of the world. However, there isn't a single one in Faraway Town! What's up with that?

We talked to our resident tunnel expert for some input. Here's what went down:
So, what do you think is the most important thing to note when talking about a tunnel?
Well, we have the length of the tunnel, as well as the width. As tunnels are generally expensive to make, consideration has to be put into how wide a tunnel should be. Too wide and it's a waste of materials and manpower, but too narrow and the tunnel will be congested.
Wow! What about its length then?
It depends on what you're digging through and why you need a tunnel in the first place. If you're tunneling through a mountain, for instance, the length would be pretty easy to determine. If you're digging a mineshaft, planning would need to go into determining what layout of tunnels you want.
Consideration has to be put to the stability of the tunnel as well as ventilation. As tunnels are long, they can easily cave in if you aren't careful. Additionally, as tunnels generally only have two exits, fresh air can cease to reach the middle of the tunnel, causing people to suffocate if they stay there long enough. Solutions such as beams or ventilation systems could help mitigate these.
So, what are the cultural significance of tunnels?
Tunnels are popular in Japanese folklore, as many spirits are said to live in abandoned ones. The Two-Three Tunnel that connects Twoson and Threed is one of the more notable ones, as many kids have reported ghost sightings in there.
There's also the urban legend around these parts that you can very easily get lost in tunnels, but I'm sure you know all about that.
Alright then, on to the meat of the article. Why are there no tunnels in Faraway Town?
Well, why would you need a tunnel here? Really? We're on flat ground. What even is this interview? I'm out.
And that was our exposé on tunnels! I'm sure there's nothing left we need to know about them, so I'm calling this a CASE CLOSED!