GOSSIP - The 2000-story hospital: Is it real?

There's a rumour going around about a hospital with over 2000 floors. But just how real is it? We'll take a look at the evidence.

The hospital is way taller than this. Trust me!

It all started when someone online reported having a dream, in which they fell off the roof of a hospital for the duration of a song that was playing in the background. Eventually, other people in the thread performed calculations to show that for the fall to take that long, the hospital would have to be over 2000 floors tall.

The situation was only inflamed further when more reports of people having that same dream surfaced, with other wild details such as the sky changing color mid-way, or the presence of a skull on a short stick. Many then started speculating as to whether such a tall hospital existed, and where they would find one. Unfortunately, research shows that the tallest known hospital is nowhere near the 2000-floor threshold. However, if everybody has the same dream, surely the hospital must exist somewhere, right?

It's enough to make you want to ask: How was the fall?