RUMOR MILL - Sun Station Landing: Fact or Legend?
The Sun Station, the structure looming right above the Sun. Just what were the Nomai thinking, constructing something like that? What's in it? How do we get there?
Orbiting the sun at an extremely low altitude, the Sun Station was constructed by the ancient Nomai race for purposes unknown.
Many have attempted and failed to land on the Sun Station. Most notably was Gilbert McGiblertface, an astronaut from Timber Hearth who famously flew into the sun while trying to land on it.
As a result, many doubt a Sun Station landing is even possible. How do you suppose the Nomai commuted to and from the Sun Station, then? Given their hatred for combustible fuels, we can only speculate as to how they even traversed the solar system.
So, how do we land on the Sun Station? Leading theories suggest matching the orbit by slowly closing in on the sun. An alternative, more dangerous method may involve speeding towards the Sun Station at the tangent of its orbit, though you are very likely to crash into the Sun Station and damage your vessel this way. Whatever method you use, though, you'll have to do it very carefully!