CLEMS: Shaded Moles, Inc. Announces New Crypto Project

Much has been said about the recent state of the cryptocurrency market; the revolutionary new currency technology has made the waves as startups flock to launch their own projects.

Today, Shaded Moles, Inc. has announced they will be the latest young startup to enter the crypto world. Their CLEMS currency is proudly self-described as the "currency of the future", hoping to overtake conventional currencies as the go-to for all business; both shady or otherwise.

CLEMS are an up-and-coming cryptocurrency much like Bitcoin.

Although the company does not seem to have been registered in any country, and neither are any of its staff members publicly known, the unreleased coin has already had a massive surge in popularity and excitement. The CLEMS Discord server currently stands at 254K members, with many more fans excited to get their family and friends to buy into the coin at the same time they sell theirs.

While no official date has been announced yet, CLEMS are expected to launch sometime in 2022.